Last year and again this year David is teaching a linked course at USC. It consists of a Harry Potter-themed English course where the same group of Potter devotees make up his University 101 class. David not being much of a reader crammed last summer for his class by watching all of the Harry Potter movies. I declined to join him in that pursuit. This summer was a different story. Every Saturday night one of the movies from the series was shown on tv and by the fourth movie I decided to throw in the towel and check it out. I was quickly hooked and it became our Saturday night ritual to make homemade popcorn and lay on the couch watching the latest installment. To cap off our new love we got to go see the finale, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 last night in the theater! It was awesome!
Now my next mission is to read all of the books. I know the movies probably only show a portion of the story. I can't wait till Caroline is old enough for me to read the books to her and enjoy them together. It was such a great story of loyalty, friendship and sacrifice. I highly recommend it if you are one of the very few who are still resisting the Harry Potter craze.