Caroline is definitely a Daddy's girl. She's been that way since the beginning. Maybe it's because when she was first born David would dance with her every night before we put her to bed. OR it could be because he's so funny and always knows how to make her laugh. Whatever the reason she has always been a Daddy's girl. Because of that most days all I hear about is Dada this and Dada that and nothing about Mommy. I have to admit that was pretty tough when I thought about the rough days of morning sickness I went through while carrying her and the difficult sacrifices I make each day to stay home with her. All I wanted was some recognition from her....that's all. :) But now I can say it was worth the wait. Caroline has now started to call my name all the time. FINALLY!!!! But instead of calling me Mama or Mommy she has named me "Mimi". If she sees a picture of me across the room she will yell with joy "Mimi". The other day we were at the grocery store and David was pushing her around on the cart while I tried to quickly find everything on our list. When they turned down the aisle where I was, I heard an excited shriek "MIMI!!!!" It was awesome! So even though she is still a Daddy's girl at heart it's so good to finally have some recognition from her.
What a blessing! :) Yay for Mimi!